It’s true to say that many people have a love hate relationship with running. One week you can feel on top of the world, the next it feels like the hardest thing EVER!
Funny running memes like the ones in this guide are what keep running fun and enjoyable!
After all, anything that keeps you going on those gruelling, long, winter runs. We all have to have a laugh every now and again to keep us sane.
Whilst running is a great solo sport, it also brings people together. Running is still a popular form of exercise for many globally, according to the International Institute for Race Medicine’s (IIRM) State of Running 2019 report.
Many runners have shared experiences through running, including those funny and hilarious moments.
So, whether you’re a beginner runner or have been running for years, you can relate to these funny running memes.
Let’s get to it!
Related: 72 funny running puns and running jokes that will make you laugh out loud
30 funny running memes to brighten your day
#1 Whatever do you, don’t call me a jogger
Many runners don’t like being called joggers.
I don’t know about you but the term ‘jogging’ just doesn’t do a long run justice.
#2 Run a marathon, they said…
Running a marathon is a physical and mental rollercoaster.
The training is gruelling enough, but on race day itself you go through a range of different emotions.
Your body feels broken at the end of the race and it can feel like you’ll never walk right again.
#3 Race day photo
Every runner has a love hate relationship with their race day photo, and the race day photo is a popular subject of running memes.
No matter how good you think you look on race day, your photos end up looking horrid it seems!
#4 Do you run for fun?
When you’re regularly clocking up 20+ miles each week, it can be hard to call running ‘fun’.
A lot of training and effort goes into running long distances, so there’s no wonder many runners see it as a serious habit and not a whimsical past time.
#5 Waiting at the finish line…
It can be hard to stay motivated throughout your entire run. You will have moments when you feel like quitting.
Ryan Gosling features a lot in running memes (you can see one of those at the end of this post).
Struggling with running motivation? A good tip to keep you going is to think about your favorite celebrity waiting for you at the finish line.
#6 The dreadmill…
There’s a reason why many runners refer to running on a treadmill as the ‘dreadmill’.
Running on a treadmill actually has lots of benefits, from helping to provide a softer surface when you’re recovering from an injury, to providing a way to get your intervals in your training routine.
#7 You need to warm up
Many runners know that a warm up is recommended before a run, but why is it so hard to actually do one?
A warm up can reduce the risk of injury, it can also help to get you physically and mentally prepared for your run.
#8 Keep on going
When you finish your first half marathon it seems the only thing you want to do is collapse into a heap on the floor.
The last thing you want to do is keep active by walking and gentle stretches, but these can go a long way to help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness.
#9 Period problems
We ladies know the trials and tribulations of running during your period.
You feel like everyone can hear your sanitary pad shuffling around, and when it does move into a weird position, it can take your focus away from your running game.
#10 Period problems 2.0
Your period is the gift that keeps on giving.
If you’ve ever experienced your period starting while on a run, it’s safe to say it’s an experience!
The pain can become all too real, and if it gets too much, stop and take a break until you feel better.
#11 Running when you have kids
Fitting a run into a busy schedule can be challenging, especially when you have kids.
Running for a lot of people is a time for peace and tranquility, away from the stresses of modern life.
But there are ways to share this joyful time with your kids by running with a jogging stroller.
#12 Let’s go running
Whether you go running on your period or not, when it ends it feels like a massive relief, especially if you suffer with painful periods.
#13 Best friends?
You know the feeling. You’re out on a run and you see someone you know. You wave excitedly at them but they completely ignore you and don’t wave back.
Cue embarrassment and a big red face!
#14 Period = no run
If you suffer from painful periods, running on your period can be tough.
Many women choose to take a few days off from exercise when it’s that time of the month.
According to Flo, exercising during your period can help reduce discomfort and boost your mood.
#15 And that’s how it done
The feeling you get when you overtake someone who is clearly struggling after starting their run too quickly definitely feels like a guilty pleasure in the running community.
We all know the secret to a successful race is effective pacing.
Pacing is all about working out how fast you need to run in order to achieve your desired race time.
If you run too quickly, you’ll soon burn out, if you run too slowly, you risk missing the mark.
#16 Running is good for my health
Running has many physical and mental benefits.
When you do aerobic exercise like running on a regular basis, you are reducing the risk of many diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
Running also helps to reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
#17 When you sneeze on your period…
Your period can present many challenges, not least the embarrassing situations that can happen when you’re out and about on your period.
#18 When your GPS watch stops
Probably one of the most annoying and heartbreaking moments on a run is when you realise you forgot to resume your GPS watch during your run.
Albeit frustrating, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you completed your run, even though you can’t share it.
#19 I’ve got 99 problems
Running offers many people a release from their busy, modern lifestyles.
Mindful running has become increasingly popular over the years.
In addition, running without a watch is seen as a great way to unplug from technology and truly enjoy your run without worrying about pace and time.
#20 Get out of my way
Despite your best intentions to practice camaraderie during your run, sometimes your competitive nature can just get the better of you.
#21 My non-runner friend
No matter how many years you’ve been running, you will still have that one non-runner friend who just doesn’t get why you run.
#22 New running shoes
We all know the benefits of finding the right running shoes, but boy can they be expensive!
Sometimes it feels like you need to take out a mortgage just to fund the right pair.
#23 When are you going to do a marathon?
Running a half marathon is one mountain to climb, the next? A marathon?
#24 Do you foam roll?
Foam rolling is oh so painful, especially when you’re recovering after a long run.
But it is a great way to release tight muscles and relieve muscle soreness and stiffness.
#25 The chafe
Chafing is an unfortunate effect of running.
Conditions like runner’s nipple are caused by chafing, but the good news is they can be prevented.
#26 Winter running
Winter running is probably the most gruelling things about being a runner.
If you’re training for a long distance event like a half marathon or marathon, more often than not you will need to do all your training throughout the winter months.
#27 Walk, don’t run
Many runners see walking as some sort of failure, when in fact walking during a training plan can actually help your performance in the long term.
Walking has so many benefits, and even walking 2 miles a day can do wonders for your physical and mental health.
#28 When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go
Pooping during the middle of a run sometimes can’t be avoided.
After all, when you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go!
#29 More wine, please
When you’re struggling to find the motivation to go for a run, a good way to get you out the door is to run to places where you’d normally walk.
Run commuting is also a great way to fit in your weekly miles.
#30 Negative what?
There are so many confusing terms like negative splits, VO2 Max and Fartlek training in the running community.
Luckily there are lots of resources online that explain exactly what these are and how you can utilize them during your training.
11 funny running memes: The best of the rest
#31 Hey girl, keep running
#32 One does not simply walk normally after a long run
#33 Run a marathon, they said
#34 You’ll look great, they said
#35 Running? Ain’t nobody got time for that
#36 After an hour on the treadmill
#37 Really? You run for fun?
#38 My quads are on fire
#39 When you pass a bunch of people who went too hard in the first mile
#40 I just like to run – running is my favorite
#41 You can run without telling Facebook about it
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